Photo detail

Camera Maker Nikon Corporation Camera Model NIKON D90
Aperture f/4 Exposure Value 0 EV
Exposure Program Unknown: 0 Exposure Time 1/60 sec
Flash Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected Focal Length 28 mm
ISO 800 Metering Mode Pattern
Date/Time 2016:06:08 20:44:41 Resolution Unit Inch
X Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit Y Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit
Compression Jpeg Compression Contrast 0
Exposure Mode 0 Saturation 0
Scene Type Directly Photographed Sharpness 0
Subject Distance 1 Caption Here the legs are locked open with the spreader. With the larger radius (maximum I could print) and taller center column (both for a stronger rib and to increase height) the knob only needs to go on a few turns. I may actually shorten the center tube slightly to give a bit more release to toggle to closed mode. As is, the knob has to almost come off completely to toggle modes.