Photo detail

Camera Maker Nikon Corporation Camera Model NIKON D90
Aperture f/4.2 Exposure Value 0 EV
Exposure Program Unknown: 0 Exposure Time 1/60 sec
Flash Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected Focal Length 30 mm
ISO 800 Metering Mode Pattern
Date/Time 2016:06:26 09:04:12 Resolution Unit Inch
X Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit Y Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit
Compression Jpeg Compression Contrast 0
Exposure Mode 0 Saturation 0
Scene Type Directly Photographed Sharpness 0
Subject Distance 1.68 Caption I wasted a lot of material trying to get this to work. Adding to that, my printer was acting up trying to run the full volume and kept drifting. Finally had to pull the bed apart and fix the Y-axis slides.