Photo detail

Camera Maker Nikon Corporation Camera Model NIKON D90
Aperture f/4 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Value 0 EV Exposure Program Unknown: 0
Exposure Time 1/60 sec Flash Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected
Focal Length 26 mm ISO 800
Metering Mode Pattern Date/Time 2016:12:19 18:25:46
Resolution Unit Inch X Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit Compression Jpeg Compression
Contrast 0 Exposure Mode 0
Saturation 0 Scene Type Directly Photographed
Sharpness 0 Caption Varous views of the entire setup showing how the hand controller is perfectly positioned but doesn't interfere with the OTA. We've been socked in for the past month and haven't been able to set up outside though.