Photo detail

Camera Maker Nikon Corporation Camera Model NIKON D7500
Aperture f/4.8 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Value 0 EV Exposure Program Program
Exposure Time 1/100 sec Flash Compulsory Flash, Return light detected
Focal Length 58 mm ISO 900
Metering Mode Pattern Date/Time 2020:05:11 16:41:20
Resolution Unit Inch X Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution 240 dots per ResolutionUnit Compression Jpeg Compression
Contrast 0 Exposure Mode 0
Saturation 0 Scene Type Directly Photographed
Sharpness 0 Caption The top board is the serial interface board. The cable unplugged on the left goes to the hand controller connector. This is where the GPS mod will plug in.