Eclipse Animation

This video contains an animation of 617 frames of images from my Canon 450D on the AstroTech AT-80LE, taken at 100 ISO and 1/1000 second shutter speed. That's about three and a half hours of duration, and at ten frames per second this one minute video is running at about 200x the actual event. These images have been position aligned, but not rotated, so they show the solar globe rotation caused by the alt-az mount of the NexStar. There are a couple of hazy spots prior to totality, with more clouds afterwards, but generally these frames look great. I wonder how much of the latter was due to the eclipse itself causing a drop in temperature and condensing more of the humidity into clouds.


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  • Heidi Schutz on 2017-Sep-13 22:35:30 Heidi Schutz said

    Wow! That's amazing! Thanks so much for capturing the whole thing!
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