Celestron NexStars

Celestron NexStars

A collection of three NexStars. Two 8se's and a 11" GPS.


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  • George Forster on 2020-May-01 20:37:31 George Forster said

    I got a Celestron 11in also had Dr. Clay due his magic to it and Supercharge it, this was all done back in 2005, I also have a WO apo refractors, one was shipped to me when I was in Iraq, and I got to meet this one Prince in Dubai who was following my post from over there and invited me to one of Palaces to say the least and his set up was just out of this world. Totally great experience there. Amazing the dark skies over there along with 5 to 10% humidity just a world of difference compared to my viewing conditions here in South Texas
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