Principal objects in field: Maia nebula, Merope nebula, NGC 1432, NGC 1435, The star 18Tau, The star Atlas (27Tau), The star Celaeno (16Tau), The star Electra (17Tau), The star Merope (23Tau), The star Pleione (28Tau), The star Sterope I (21Tau), The star Taygeta (19Tau), The star ηTau
All identified catalog objects: 16Tau/Celaeno, 17Tau/Electra, 18Tau, 19Tau/Taygeta, 20Tau/Maia, 21Tau/Sterope I, 23Tau/Merope, 27Tau/Atlas, 28Tau/Pleione, IC 1990, IC 349, NGC 1432, NGC 1435, η Tau